SAQA New Mexico Newsletter
Is fall here yet? I'm looking forward to some cooler whether! I hope your considering entering a piece into "Natural Healing"(find more information below). These pieces are relatively small making it easier to finish even if you decide to start one now. This should be a great show! Thank you Betty and team for the opportunity.
Our Next Meeting
Our next potluck meeting will be at 11:00 am on September 19th at the Vista Grande Public Library in the Eldorado Community Center, 14 Avenida Terreon, next to the public school and senior center, Santa Fe. This is the first time we will meet there. It is free but the library does take donations, so if you feel so moved you may do so. Bring your latest show and tell, and I hope you are thinking of entering a piece or two into Natural Healing at the First Unitarian Church in October. We would like to see your piece or hear about your ideas for pieces for the show.
At this meeting we will have the first of our "lost" workshops; "Writing the Artist Statement". Come with your questions and bring a pen. You will want to get started once you learn how its easy it is and just what to include. Those of you who already have artist statements bring them with you so we can have examples to share. Hope to see you there.
I will bring any quilts and shipping materials that have not been picked up from the Cultural Red Show. Please make other arrangements with me if you will not be able to collect them at the meeting. I will also collect any pieces going to the Unitarian Church in October if they are ready and you will not be delivering them in person on October 10th. I will have copies of the artist loan agreements for those entering Natural Healing. These need to be filled out and delivered with your work.
Exhibition News
From Betty: Thank you everyone, for making Cultural Red at the Capitol such a rousing success.
It will hang again next April-September at the Hubbard Museum in Ruidoso, this time including our out of state friends.
Stay tuned for shipping/delivery instructions.
Natural Healing is coming up really fast, the due date is October first, don't delay making something for this show!
will premiere at the Unitarian Church in Albuquerque, which is also
offering us a Mercado opportunity- see the call for entry.
the Unitarian, Lisa Ellis (SAQA president) will choose 20 works to
travel to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, to
hang from July 9- September 9 2016,
and then travel to the Inova Cancer Center in Fairfax, VA. More venues
are in the planning stage- this is a tremendous opportunity, don't miss
for SAQA will show at the Pennsylvania National show in Philadelphia,
and then it will return to hang at the Hubbard along with Cultural Red
and the non traveling portion of Natural Healing.
Mary Mattimoe has put together a wonderful PDF catalog of the show, click on the link to view- If you'd rather see it as a slide show, it's available here-
Thank you Mary and Schatzi Brimer for working on this!
keep up the good work everyone, the shows are looking fantastic!
Betty Busby