The 2013 Silver City Fiber Arts Festival appeared to be a great success in part to the tireless work of our own SAQA member Lynn Welsch who chaired the committee that made it happen. The Festival was hosted by the Southwest Women's Fiber Arts Collective(SWAFC) and there were great exhibits representing the arts of the SWFAC. Among other exhibits was the SAQA New Mexico exhibit, "A Color Runs Through It" with 40 members from our area participating.
Denise Seavey contributed these comments about the show: "What a fun and successful show this past weekend in Silver City. “A Color Runs Through It” was a challenge for SAQA NM. The possibilities were endless in creating black and white quilts with one color as represented by the 50 quilts in the show."
Susan Szajer (left) and Lynn Welsch (standing)
The Silver City contingency that were a big part of making the show a success! |
The Friday night of the show there were many members in attendance for the November SAQA meeting. It was held at the Adobe Springs Cafe in Silver City. Other than overwhelming the restaurant with our numbers, there were 22 of us in attendance with three or four husbands included, we had a great time sharing, socializing and eating. Michelle will follow-up with her newsletter about the business of the meeting but in the meantime, here are some pictures.
Thanks Gale Oppenheim for pointing our way to Silver City
and making the arrangements at the restaurant for the meeting! |
Vicki Conley leading the way back in after more tables had to be added to fit all of us. |
Group shot after we all made it in for dinner. |
Sandra Branjord(left), Mary Olivea(middle) and Betty Hahn (right)
Sandra and Betty came all the way from Sun City, AZ for the show
and meeting. |
Lynn Welsch looking to relax after the first day of the Festival! |
Michelle Jackson leading the meeting... and trying to be heard! |
Nora Bebee sharing her piece... "did she really say it was for the floor??" |
Susan Szajer sharing her 3D piece for the Riudoso show,
"Beyond Traditions" |
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