The NEW MEXICO Region of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates) is here to support and promote professional fiber artists and teachers as well as quilters working to develop their fine art skills. New NM SAQA members, please contact Lynn Rogers or Mary Jo Stipe NM Regional Co-Representative Studio Art Quilt Associates to receive the newsletter.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Thank you, Rod and Jim, for hosting the last meeting in Placitas. You were wonderful hosts as usual! We had 27 in attendance and had a very interesting conversation about craft vs. art after I asked what percentage of your creativity is done in your head vs. letting things sort of happen with your hands. Thank you all for your thoughtful perspectives! It was very interesting and inspiring. Show and tell was wonderful! You are all so talented! There were some beautiful pieces made for “Cultural Red”. I am so looking forward to it!
Our next meeting will be a potluck at 11:00 AM on Saturday, January 24th at Jennifer Day’s Studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Thank you, Jennifer for hosting the meeting. Contact me for directions. I hope to see you there. Hope it doesn’t snow!! Bring your latest show and tell. I will send out a reminder about a week before the meeting.
Cultural Red is now accepting entries. The deadline is January 7, 2015. The entry form and call is attached and printed below. Remember that there is one call for entry for both the Capitol Rotunda and the Hubbard. Those who qualify (NM residents) and are accepted will be in the show at the Rotunda. Those who are not residents may still be eligible for the show at the Hubbard. The exhibit at the Hubbard is not a separate call at a different time so be prepared to get your entry ready in time. I will send out a separate reminder about one week before the deadline. I don’t want you to have a beautiful piece ready, but forget to do the paper work to get it entered.
Remember the photos of your piece for “Cultural Red” are very important as this is all that the curator sees to make the selection. If you’re having problems, let me know. I spoke with two people at the last meeting. I think we got you headed in the right direction with a photographer, but if you are still having problems let me know. I can’t remember who I spoke to.
As soon as the deadline for “Cultural Red” passes we will be announcing our next regional exhibition opportunity. I can’t wait!
Also, don't forget the AQS show in Albuquerque January 14 - 17. Always inspiring!
We need to start planning for our opening/workshop to coincide with the Cultural Red exhibit in Santa Fe in April. If you have any ideas for a short half day workshop/lecture that we might be interested in, please let me know. We may or may not have a space for something messy so our space may dictate what we can do. We’ll need to discuss and make some plans at our next meeting. It will be fun regardless.
Don’t forget to check out the SAQA NM blog for pics, newsletters, and major accomplishments by local SAQA artists.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Beyond the Surface
Art Quilts by Lynn Rogers
November 7 – December 31, 2014
Lynn Rogers has been in love with color and fabric for most of her life. An apron in a 7th grade home economics class started her off and she’s been sewing ever since. A graduate of the ArtCloth Mastery Program in San Antonio, Texas, Rogers is skilled in many surface design techniques. She dyes fabric and then builds layers of images using a variety of processes including silk screening, batiking, and discharging of color. Those fabrics are then used to create art quilts and art cloth. Her goal is to create surfaces with many layers which invite the viewer to look more closely and discover images that may not be obvious at first glance. She is inspired by the colors and the cultures of New Mexico.
Esther Bone Library
950 Pinetree Road
Rio Rancho, NM
Tuesday 12 - 8
Wednesday – Saturday 9 – 5
Closed: Sunday & Monday
Art Quilts by Lynn Rogers
November 7 – December 31, 2014
Lynn Rogers has been in love with color and fabric for most of her life. An apron in a 7th grade home economics class started her off and she’s been sewing ever since. A graduate of the ArtCloth Mastery Program in San Antonio, Texas, Rogers is skilled in many surface design techniques. She dyes fabric and then builds layers of images using a variety of processes including silk screening, batiking, and discharging of color. Those fabrics are then used to create art quilts and art cloth. Her goal is to create surfaces with many layers which invite the viewer to look more closely and discover images that may not be obvious at first glance. She is inspired by the colors and the cultures of New Mexico.
Esther Bone Library
950 Pinetree Road
Rio Rancho, NM
Tuesday 12 - 8
Wednesday – Saturday 9 – 5
Closed: Sunday & Monday
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Detail of Pueblo Bonito by Lynn Rogers |
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Thank you, Jennifer, for hosting the last meeting in Santa Fe. We enjoyed seeing your studio and the wonderful view! We had 25 in attendance and got to see some more inspiring pieces made for Cultural Red. I trust by now all is settled after the exhibit at the Hubbard; those of you who sold pieces have submitted the proper paperwork requested by the Hubbard and all pieces should have been returned.
Thank you Vicky and helpers for taking down the show and transporting the pieces back to Santa Fe for us. Also to Denise for shipping some pieces off to those not local. Thank you, Betty and Vicky for working out this great opportunity for us. It was truly the best show of art quilts I have ever seen! There was a wonderful and positive response by all who saw it. The Hubbard, for those of you who have not heard, said it was the best show they have had in the past five years. It brought many people back to the museum that had not been in years! They are looking forward to “Cultural Red”! And so are we!
Our next meeting will be a potluck at 11:00 AM on Saturday, November 15th at the home of Rod Daniel in Placitas, New Mexico. Thank you, Rod and Jim for hosting the meeting. Please email me for directions. I hope to see you there. Bring your latest show and tell. I will send out a reminder about a week before the meeting.
Cultural Red is now accepting entries. The deadline is January 7, 2015. The entry form and call is attached and printed below. Remember that there is one call for entry for both the Capitol Rotunda and the Hubbard. Those who qualify (NM residents) and are accepted will be in the show at the Rotunda. Those who are not residents may still be eligible for the show at the Hubbard. The exhibit at the Hubbard is not a separate call at a different time so be prepared to get your entry ready in time.
Just a reminder about submitting photos: Don’t crop your whole quilt photo to use it as the detailed photo. The quality becomes compromised; grainy and unclear. You must take an actual detail photo. Of course the best idea is to have it professionally photographed, but that is not always possible. If some of you entering for the first time are having problems, please let me know. We don’t want this to stop you from entering a beautiful piece.
Some have asked me to change information like your email address, or adding NM as a second region. Unfortunately I can’t change your information. You can easily do this on the SAQA website by going to membership and following the directions to make changes to your profile. When you have NM as your first or second region you will automatically get emails/newsletters from me. Remember to check your spam for emails as some service providers recognize these emails as spam.
Don’t forget to check out the SAQA NM blog for pics, newsletters, and major accomplishments by local SAQA artists.
Looking forward to seeing you on the 15th!
Michelle Jackson
SAQA NM Representative
Congratulations go out to SAQA New Mexico members Betty Busby and Shannon Conley. Betty's piece "Tribute" and Shannon's piece "Peering Out of the Darkness" were juried into the Quilt National 2015 show.
"Quilt National ’15, the nineteenth international juried competition for new, innovative quilts will be on display May 23 – September 7, 2015 at The Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, Ohio (USA).
Jurors were quilters Rosalie Dace (Durban, South Africa), Ann Johnston (Lake Oswego, OR) and museum curator Judy Schwender (Paducah, KY)."
"Quilt National was intended to demonstrate the transformations taking place in the world of quilting. Its purpose was then, and still is, to carry the definition of quilting far beyond its traditional parameters and to promote quiltmaking as what it always has been — an art form." This, according to the Dairy Barn Arts Center website.
Other news, Judith Roderick, who will be the Featured Artist at the 2015 Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta, has several pieces accepted into the Houston International Quilt Festival Show. Look for her pieces and all the pieces of the members of SAQA NM if you attend the show at the end of the month. Also check out SAQA's Celebrating Silver Exhibit, juried by Yvonne Porcella. Several of our New Mexico members were juried into that exhibit, including our own Michelle Jackson.
"Quilt National ’15, the nineteenth international juried competition for new, innovative quilts will be on display May 23 – September 7, 2015 at The Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, Ohio (USA).
Jurors were quilters Rosalie Dace (Durban, South Africa), Ann Johnston (Lake Oswego, OR) and museum curator Judy Schwender (Paducah, KY)."
"Quilt National was intended to demonstrate the transformations taking place in the world of quilting. Its purpose was then, and still is, to carry the definition of quilting far beyond its traditional parameters and to promote quiltmaking as what it always has been — an art form." This, according to the Dairy Barn Arts Center website.
Other news, Judith Roderick, who will be the Featured Artist at the 2015 Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta, has several pieces accepted into the Houston International Quilt Festival Show. Look for her pieces and all the pieces of the members of SAQA NM if you attend the show at the end of the month. Also check out SAQA's Celebrating Silver Exhibit, juried by Yvonne Porcella. Several of our New Mexico members were juried into that exhibit, including our own Michelle Jackson.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
ENTRY FORM-Cultural Red
Please email images and entry forms to Betty Busby,
Entry form must be in Word or Page format, or simply in the body of an email. No PDF’s please!
Artist's Name:
Website (optional)
Wall Quilt Entry 1:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches 24” minimum, 60” maximum
retail sales price :
insurance value:
Wall Quilt Entry 2:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches : 24” minimum, 60” maximum
retail sales price :
insurance value:
Wall Quilt Entry 3:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches : 24” minimum, 60” maximum
retail sales price :
insurance value :
Sculptural Entry 1:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches (48” or less in height, 24’ maximum width)
retail sales price :
insurance value:
Sculptural Entry 2:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches (48” or less in height, 24’ maximum width)
retail sales price :
insurance value
I agree to loan my artwork to the Cultural Red exhibit at the Capitol Rotunda gallery from April 7, 2015- August 17, 2015, and the Hubbard Museum, April 1-September 2, 2016
I agree to permit images of my accepted work to be used in any publicity, in any media format, associated with the promotion of the exhibition.
Artist's Signature (can be typed in):
Non-refundable entry fee is $30 for up to THREE wall entries and TWO sculptural entries, for a possible total of FIVE per artist.
Please make checks payable to SAQA, and mail them to:
Betty Busby
14306 Oakwood Pl.
Albuquerque NM 87123.
Please email images and entry forms to Betty Busby,
March 2014: Call for entries issued.
September 1, 2014: Entries will be accepted
January 7, 2015: Deadline for receipt of entries
February 2015: Notification of acceptance will be emailed
April 13, 2015: Accepted artwork delivery to the Capitol.
April 17, 2015: Exhibition opens.
August 17, 2015: Exhibition closes.
April 1, 2016: Exhibit opens at the Hubbard Museum
September 2, 2016: Exhibit closes
Please email images and entry forms to Betty Busby,
Entry form must be in Word or Page format, or simply in the body of an email. No PDF’s please!
Artist's Name:
Website (optional)
Wall Quilt Entry 1:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches 24” minimum, 60” maximum
retail sales price :
insurance value:
Wall Quilt Entry 2:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches : 24” minimum, 60” maximum
retail sales price :
insurance value:
Wall Quilt Entry 3:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches : 24” minimum, 60” maximum
retail sales price :
insurance value :
Sculptural Entry 1:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches (48” or less in height, 24’ maximum width)
retail sales price :
insurance value:
Sculptural Entry 2:
Artist's Statement/theme:
Size in inches (48” or less in height, 24’ maximum width)
retail sales price :
insurance value
I agree to loan my artwork to the Cultural Red exhibit at the Capitol Rotunda gallery from April 7, 2015- August 17, 2015, and the Hubbard Museum, April 1-September 2, 2016
I agree to permit images of my accepted work to be used in any publicity, in any media format, associated with the promotion of the exhibition.
Artist's Signature (can be typed in):
Non-refundable entry fee is $30 for up to THREE wall entries and TWO sculptural entries, for a possible total of FIVE per artist.
Please make checks payable to SAQA, and mail them to:
Betty Busby
14306 Oakwood Pl.
Albuquerque NM 87123.
Please email images and entry forms to Betty Busby,
March 2014: Call for entries issued.
September 1, 2014: Entries will be accepted
January 7, 2015: Deadline for receipt of entries
February 2015: Notification of acceptance will be emailed
April 13, 2015: Accepted artwork delivery to the Capitol.
April 17, 2015: Exhibition opens.
August 17, 2015: Exhibition closes.
April 1, 2016: Exhibit opens at the Hubbard Museum
September 2, 2016: Exhibit closes
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Here is a new Call for Entries for an American Quilters' Society Exhibit coming to Albuquerque next January. Just to be clear this is not a SAQA exhibit. It will be a great show curated by the familiar Albuquerque stars Gail Garber and Donna Barnitz!
Friday, July 18, 2014
![]() |
A Breakdown in Printing
Ester Bone Library
950 Pinetree Road
Rio Rancho
M&W 9-5
T&T 12-8
F&S 9-1
Who knew that when a few friends got together one summer day to share ideas on surface design that it would develop into the lively group it is today? DyeFusion is a 7 member group which meets regularly to explore all manner of altering cloth using dyeing, silkscreening, katazome, shibori, batik and other techniques.
Their 3rd show at the Ester Bone Library, runs through September 3rd, and features fabrics made using a technique known as deconstructed screen printing. SAQA members Elizabeth Dawson, Colleen Konetzni, Lynn Rogers and Brenda Williams have pieces in the show. Also exhibiting are Donna Barnitz and Mary Moya.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Happy summer art quilting! I hope you are having an enjoyable and creative one.
Our next potluck meeting will be at 11:00 am on July 19th at the Ambassadors for Christ Community Church in Albuquerque, 1540 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE (between Indian School and Constitution, on the east side of Juan Tabo). I hope you can attend. Bring show and tell to let everyone know what you’ve been working on.
Don’t forget our next exhibition opportunity “Cultural Red” at the Capitol Rotunda Gallery 2015. (Printed below) I am finishing my piece this week! We are making plans for another fun workshop/weekend of fun with the opening of Cultural Red. Stay tuned for the details! Also, start thinking about another opportunity still in the making and way off in the future “Healing Quilts”. This is just a tease! More to about this to come.
I know that some have been experiencing problems receiving news letters and emails from the SAQA system. Please see the following information that may be helpful. Please also pass this information on to friends who may not receive this because of the problem.
Many users with Gmail accounts have reported that SAQA's email are being marked as spam. In order to prevent this from happening, please add our emails to your contact list (,,,, etc.). You can also add a filter to your account to never send SAQA emails to spam.
To create a filter, open your Gmail and select the gear in the upper right corner. Select Settings and then Filters. In the From field, enter and click create a new filter. On the next page, check the box that says "Never Send to Spam" and then save your settings.
Five pieces have sold from the exhibition at the Hubbard! The City Attorney would like for each exhibiting artist to print and sign a contract so they can have it on file in case they sell other pieces. The contract is attached. Please mail it to: Hubbard Museum – PO Box 40 – Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346.
Let me know if you are unable to download and print the contract and I will send it to you via snail mail. If you have questions about the contract itself you may contact: Janis Rowe, Associate Director at 575-378-4142 ext. 8
Julie Filatoff has created an Art Retreat Guide. This is a free resource for listing and finding art retreats, workshops, and classes. Check it out and spread the word. Fantastic Julie! Thank you.
Cultural Red
Call for Entry
An exhibition of contemporary fiber art at the Capitol Rotunda Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
April 17- August 14, 2015
NOTE: entry forms will be distributed in August 2014
March 2014: Call for entries issued.
September 1, 2014: Entries will be accepted
January 7, 2015: Deadline for receipt of entries
February 2015: Notification of acceptance will be emailed
April 13, 2015: Accepted artwork delivery to the Capitol.
April 17, 2015: Exhibition opens.
August 17, 2015: Exhibition closes.
All work must meet the definition of an Art Quilt: “The art quilt is a creative visual work that is layered and stitched or that references this form of stitched layered construction.”
Applicants must be current members of SAQA residing in New Mexico.
In addition, only original artwork, conceived and created by the entrant(s) will be considered; no patterns, kits or copies.
All artists collaborating on an artwork must be listed as entrants and sign the loan agreement.
Selection of the work to be shown will be made by Cynthia Sanchez, Ph.D., Director, Capitol Art Foundation/Curator, Capitol Art Collection, based on the digital images submitted.
Director Sanchez reserves the right to refuse work that differs from images submitted, is not in good repair or is not appropriate for the exhibition.
* Work should relate to the theme, may be representational or abstract.
* Dimensions of wall quilts must be:
A minimum of 24" and a maximum of 60" in width.
A minimum of 24" and a maximum of 60” in height.
* A maximum of THREE wall quilts per artist will be considered.
* Three dimensional work may have maximum dimensions of 24” depth and width, and 48” in height.
* A maximum of TWO sculptural pieces per artist may be submitted, for a total of FIVE possible entries.
* All two dimensional entries must have a 4" sleeve sewn to the top of the quilt in the back. There should be a 1" allowance on each side of the sleeve to allow hanging slats to remain hidden.
* Entries must not have been shown in the Capitol Rotunda Gallery previously.
* All entries must also have a label sewn to the back with the title of the work, artist's name, and email address.
Artists will be responsible for the cost of shipping work to the venue and return shipping after the show.
Artists must provide insurance on artwork while in transit to the venue.
Artwork may be for sale. Director Sanchez will provide potential buyers’ contact information to the artist.
Work that is sold must remain with the show until it closes on August 14, 2015.
Timed to coincide with a major exhibition at the Folk Art Museum in Santa Fe, Cultural Red is all about the many roles this color takes all over the world, past and present.
Red can be the color of celebration, danger, mourning, and new life.
Certain cultures hold red rock formations sacred, make pottery from red clay, perform rituals under a red moon, or dress their brides in that color.
Explore the many meanings of red, or look within yourself and express what the color means to you.
Representational and abstract work will be considered.
Submission instructions and image requirements will be in the entry form which will be available in August.
Delivery instructions will be in the acceptance letters that will be emailed in February.
Can’t wait to see you this Saturday!
Michelle Jackson
SAQA NM Representative
Sunday, July 13, 2014
If you haven't seen the August/September 2014 issue of Quilting Arts here is a preview. Nora Beebe's piece was one of those selected to be included in "A walk in the PARK" Reader's Challenge.
Way to go Nora!!
The Silk Painter's main art show, SEASONS OF SILK, will be opening at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) on Wednesday evening, July 30th, from 6 to 8 pm. The IAIA is located at 83 Avan Nu Po Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87508. The Chapter Quilt Show, 16 Chapters from around the world, will be opening at the IAIA Hogan the next night, July 31st, from 6 to 8 pm. The following is the NM Chapter's entry into this show.
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Santa Fe, New Mexico—“Elements,” an exhibit
of contemporary mixed-media fiber art, will be at the La Tienda Exhibit
Space in the Eldorado area of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The show will
feature two-dimensional and three-dimensional work on themes such as the
elements of design, the elements of color, the elements of the
Southwest, the elements of the Earth, and the element of surprise. The
fiber artists pay homage to traditional forms of expression while taking
the artwork to new levels through the use of unusual materials and
techniques. All of the exhibiting artists belong to the Northern New
Mexico Quilt Guild (NNMQG), a nonprofit organization with more than 150
A gala artists’ opening reception will be held on Friday, June 20, 2014, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Invited Santa Fe-area poets will read from their work between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m.
The poets were asked to create an ekphrastic poem about one of the art
quilts. Ekphrastic poetry comments on another form of art and explores
the intersection of language and visual art.
The exhibit will close with a reception on Friday, July 18, 2014, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., with additional poets presenting their ekphrastic poems from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
The La Tienda Exhibit Space is open from Fridays from 12:00 noon to 7:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and Sundays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Admission is free. Some of the fiber art pieces are for sale, and the
artists have created smaller, ancillary works that will be available at
Utopia, The General Store for the Modern Age, near the Exhibit Space.
The La
Tienda Exhibit Space is at 7 Caliente Road, Santa Fe, NM 87508 (just off
U.S. 285, south of I-25). For more information, phone (505) 428-0024, or visit .
For more information on the Northern New Mexico Quilt Guild, visit
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Saturday, May 17, 2014
We are happy to report that the Texas Quilt Museum's galleries and Grandmother's Flower Garden will be featured on Austin's PBS station KLRU.
If you would like to view it now, the whole show can be seen at .
All the best,
Sandra Sider

Thursday, May 15, 2014
The New Mexico members of Studio Art Quilt
Associates (SAQA) are all over the pages of the June/July 2014 issue of
Quilting Arts Magazine! First there's Vicki Conley on page 52, then
Holly Altman on page 71, Jennifer Day on pages 71 and 74, and Betty
Busby's art work in the upper-right corner of page 92. Kudos to all of
you--beautiful work. ~submitted by Julie Filatoff

Thursday, April 17, 2014
Our show, Beyond Tradition, had it's opening reception at the Hubbard Museum in Ruidoso Downs, NM on Saturday, April 5. It was wonderful to have so many members and visitors in attendance. If you weren't able to go, here's a link to a video with artists talking about their pieces. It is sure to whet your appetite and make you want to travel south in person. It will hang through September 1, 2014. Thanks again to all those members who helped make this a spectacular show!
The following are photographs of the show courtesy of Mark Hollingsworth Photography.
The following are photographs of the show courtesy of Mark Hollingsworth Photography.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Once again Betty is recognized for the great art she produces... and she is so nice too!! She is the featured artist in the SAQA Spring Journal. It is not in the mail yet but if you read this SAQA blog entry from Eileen Doughty and follow her link you can download the issue. You must be a current SAQA member to log in and access the information.
SAQA spring Journal issue preview - now available online
Tue Apr 15, 2014 6:43 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
"Eileen Doughty" rhapsody58
The issue has just gone to the printers, so it will be a while before it
gets to your mailbox. Meanwhile, if you want to get the PDF version, log
in and go to the website page for all Journal issues,
Table of Contents:
Featured artist: Betty Busby
The making of Mask of Dark
Why Quilts Matter
Becoming a professional artist
SAQA Supporters
Member gallery
Piecework pioneers
Copyright: It’s the law
Selections from Radical Elements
Featured volunteer: Vou Best
Eileen Doughty
SAQA website coordinator
gets to your mailbox. Meanwhile, if you want to get the PDF version, log
in and go to the website page for all Journal issues,
Table of Contents:
Featured artist: Betty Busby
The making of Mask of Dark
Why Quilts Matter
Becoming a professional artist
SAQA Supporters
Member gallery
Piecework pioneers
Copyright: It’s the law
Selections from Radical Elements
Featured volunteer: Vou Best
Eileen Doughty
SAQA website coordinator

Monday, April 14, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Thanks to those involved in the hanging of the SAQA show at the Hubbard Museum. Here are a few photos taken by Mark Hollingsworth at that event. If you would like to see more, please go to Markk's website.!/portfolio/C0000kBNy1sVHjiI/G0000ml9VcN5CMCU
Don't forget, the opening is Saturday, April 5 at the Hubbard Museum in Ruidoso!
Don't forget, the opening is Saturday, April 5 at the Hubbard Museum in Ruidoso!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Thanks Betty for all the work you do to keep our Regional Exhibitions going!
New Mexico Exhibition Schedule:
Beyond Tradition: Hubbard Museum, Ruidoso, April 5- September 2, 2014
Walk in the Wild: Hubbard Museum, Ruidoso, April 5- September 2, 2014
A Color Runs Through It:
-Hubbard Museum, Ruidoso, April 5- September 2, 2014
-Destination: Savannah, Savannah Ga. March 2015
-Denver National, Denver Co May 2015
-Pennsylvania National September 2015
New Mexico: Unfolding: Quilt fest Destination Savannah 2014
Cultural Red: State Capitol Gallery, Santa Fe April 17- August 17 2015
Additional traveling venues have been applied to for Beyond Tradition for 2015 and 2016
Betty Busby
Monday, February 24, 2014
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
MARCH 8, 2014 (for SAQA members), after
the SAQA meeting – 3pm
Address: 12620 Towner Ave NE, ABQ 87112 (1 block south of
Menaul on the west side of Tramway) 505-670-6364
This is a major supply cleanout as I am no longer creating
fiber art after more than 20 years and I’m now doing acrylic painting on
canvas. What doesn’t sell today will go into my eBay store. All items (except
books) will be priced at 30% of retail but if you spend $100, that drops to a
50% discount. Books are priced separately as they are also currently for sale
on Amazon.
For sale:
Hundreds of fabrics – silks, cottons, batiks,
polyester “silkies” – from 1/8 yard to 5 yard cuts.
Beads – glass sead beads, Myuki beads,
fresh-water pearls, Hill Tribe silver, natural stones, dichroic and other
hand-made flame-worked glass, cabochons, and buttons.
Books – on quilting, fabric painting, and
Our juror, Dr Sandra Sider has chosen the wall entries for Beyond Traditions.
Your notifications will go out within the week.
Work may be delivered at out next meeting at Michelle Jackson's on March 6.
Please include a hanging slat, and make sure your sleeve has enough clearance on the sides to attach the slat to the wall.
Betty Busby
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