Many thanks to Shannon Conley for designing the Structures catalog-
It's available for $10 from Amazon at this link
Hope to see everyone at the opening reception for the show "Structures" at the Capitol, April 14 at 4pm.
Under the Western Sun, a joint Co/NM SAQA show, will travel from its initial venue at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum in Colorado to the Macy Cultural Center in Socorro, NM the third week of July. We will keep you posted
Mark Hollingsworth gave a presentation on professional photography for your work.
He's based in Albuquerque, his contact information is-
Gregory Case, Located in Pueblo, Co, is another choice-
In Santa Fe, Carolyn Wright is also experienced with art quilts- (ask Gale for info)
An exciting new exhibition opportunity will be available to our members, thanks to Vicki Conley.
Title:Life Along the Rio Grande
Theme: The wonderful variety of living things along the vitally important Rio Grande River. Work could explore historical or cultural themes, scientific or geological topics, or social and environmental issues relating to the flora, fauna, and people living on or near this historic river.
Abstract and representational work will be accepted.
Abstract and representational work will be accepted.
Eligibility: SAQA members in New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado/Utah/Wyoming
Selection: this show will NOT be juried- the first 35 works entered will be accepted to the initial venue.
One entry only by each artist will be allowed.
A waiting list of additional pieces will be maintained to replace pieces that are sold.
Venues: To be announced when the contracts are signed, venues will include the Branigan Cultural Center in Las Cruces,
The Roswell Museum and Art Center, the Macy Center in Socorro, and others.
Requirements- uniform size is 48" in height and 32" in width. (yes, that means that everything needs to be that size)
This will be a traveling exhibition, quilts must be able to be rolled and packed, please no fragile embellishments.
A legible label must be stitched to the back of each work with the title, artist, and artist's contact information.
A regular 4" sleeve will also need to be stitched to the back.
Call for entry issued March, 2017
Entries accepted beginning November 10, 2017, and continuing until all 35 spots in the show are filled.
Entry will be by simple email to Betty Busby, curator, and payment of the $35 entry fee will be made through the SAQA online store.
Entry forms and instructions will be distributed prior to the November application date.
Exhibition dates and venues will be announced when scheduled, initial exhibition planned for spring '18.
Rod and Gale talked about opportunities for volunteering at Fiber Arts Fiesta May 19, 20 and 21 both at the SAQA booth and for the general Fiesta. Please contact Rod Daniels if you were not at the meeting and wish to do so. Gale talked about the little Doo Dahs SAQA members are asked to provide as gifts to those attendees who donate $5 to Susan's Legacy ( which is being sponsored by this year's Fiesta. Contact Gale for further information.
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