LARG had a very successful run at the Macey Center in Socorro at NMTech. Betty received this note from Nowka, the Macey center manager:
I have had so many compliments on this quilt show. Several people have come over for no other reason than to see it. I have had so many men acknowledge them and make statements along the lines of I didn't know that quilts could be so beautiful as art. Thanks for allowing us to house your quilts, they were definitely a big hit.
--- Nowka
Now LARG will travel to the Roswell Art Museum where approximately 20 pieces will be hung. The show will be up from December 1 to January 26, 2019 with a reception on December 1 from 4-6:30 and a gallery talk at 4 PM. Roswell Art Museum is located at 1011 N Richardson Ave. 575-624-6744.
Betty is continuing to explore additional venues for this show.
This is the theme for the next Capitol Rotunda show in 2019. Complete information can be found at SAQANM.blogspot.com or at SAQA. Look for more information about the call for Entry on the tab above "CALL FOR ENTRY". It has all information about requirements and how to enter the show.
You can enter up to 3 wall pieces and 2 3-D pieces. There is no charge to enter pieces initially. IF you have a piece that is chosen, then there is a $35 fee to SAQA.
Please click on the following link to apply for Out of the Blue. The form consists of two main parts, entry info and image upload. Please complete both parts (then click submit) for each entry. The attached document has detailed instructions if you are struggling with your entry form. If you have difficulties with the entry form/upload, please e-mail your questions to Shannon Conley at la.emperatriz@gmail.com. Please do not e-mail your entry to Betty or Shannon, e-mailed entries will not be accepted for this call.
Please click on the following link to apply for Out of the Blue. The form consists of two main parts, entry info and image upload. Please complete both parts (then click submit) for each entry. The attached document has detailed instructions if you are struggling with your entry form. If you have difficulties with the entry form/upload, please e-mail your questions to Shannon Conley at la.emperatriz@gmail.com. Please do not e-mail your entry to Betty or Shannon, e-mailed entries will not be accepted for this call.
There will be a catalog produced for this show so good photos are IMPERATIVE!! At the November 17 meeting at HipStitch, Betty set up lights and a backdrop and took photos for people who brought their entries. Below you will find a paragraph entitled From the Exhibition Committee. This is a recap of information Betty talked about for taking good photos and has links and helpful resources for good photography.
The opening reception for Out Of The Blue has been changed, so as not to conflict with the SAQA conference in San Jose. I believe the date is May 10, however Betty will have more details as we get closer to the opening.
Important dates to put on your calendar now: Set up May 29, 2019. Show runs May 30, 31 and June 1. Please check out www.fiberartsfiesta.org to see categories and entry deadlines.
Since SAQA is now a member of the Fiber Arts Association, we have volunteer responsibilities at the show, in terms of manning booths, acting as white glove people, etc.
Please keep the dates open if possible, so that we can have a good turnout for volunteers.
We have an added incentive for the 2019 Fiesta, as Betty Busby is the featured artist and SAQA will be a featured exhibit. Both booths will be front and center during the fiesta and will need volunteers.
We will also need to provide small “doo-dahs” for the Fiesta as we have done in the past. Several ideas were discussed and you are all encouraged to begin making at least 2 – 5 small things (need fit into a Ziploc sandwich bag) to donate. Ideas included greeting cards, cup sleeves and fiber beads.
The Fiber Arts council will be hosting two opportunities to have your work photographed: January 24 & 25 and February 21 & 22. Hours: 9:30 – 4:00 at Heights Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Room 407. There’s no charge for this. Contact Liz Whitehead (tlwhitehead@msn.com/505-362-1804 ) or Twyla Caudill (tldoublec@gmail.com/505-331-9728 ).
** At the Capitol in Santa Fe, Off the Wall, a 3-D fiber invitational runs through December. Work by Betty Busby, Judith Roderick, Sabrina Zarco, Mary Mattimoe Nora Beebe, Shannon Conley, Sue Szajer and Josh.
***Consider entering Fissures at the Emerald Art Center in Oregon- work can be 24" wide and 24-36" long. The entry form preview for FISSURES is now available at fissuresentry.com
Actual entry is Dec 8 '18 - Jan 8 '19.
We had a photo session during the meeting, and saw some amazing entries for Out of the Blue.
Below are some basic photography tips that we discussed, as well as links to products and additional online tutorials.
Image Basics for Show Entry
- Using small pins that do not show, attach your quilt to a vertical, plain backdrop. Avoid hanging from a quilt stand.
- Use photo lights- link below
- Use a tripod!
- Use the timer on your camera
- zoom in a little bit to avoid edge distortion
- set your camera for maximum file size
- always enter the biggest file you have unless there are upper limits set on the entry form
contact Mark Hollingsworth for professional images- https://www.mwholli.com/index
Holly Knott posted a great photo tutorial here-https://www.hollyknott.com/stq/
Kestrel Michaud has a more advanced one here- http://kestrelmichaud.com/2018/basics-of-copy-photography/
Photo light set up on Amazon- 58 bucks!
There seems to have been bit of misunderstanding about the insurance notice for Out of the Blue - it is NOT necessary to have an appraisal of your work to enter the show. In the (very unlikely) event that you would need to make a claim, you would have to provide proof of value. This is true of ANY insurance.
Our next meeting is January 19, 2019 in Santa Fe at the Vista Grande Public Library in the Eldorado subdivision.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m thankful for every one of you!
Lynn Rogers
New Mexico Regional Co-rep
Studio Art Quilt Associates
New Mexico Regional Co-rep
Studio Art Quilt Associates