Exhibition News
LARG continues to be a great show. Next exhibition venue is Fiber Arts Fiesta from May 30 to June 1. From July 1 – 31 the show will hang at the library in Los Alamos. Then it will be at the Museum of Art in Farmington, NM from August 31, 2019 to January 1, 2020:
There won’t be room for all 35 quilts to hang there. Below is the list of quilts that will hang in Farmington from August 31, 2019 to January 1, 2020:
Ann Anastasio
Santa Fe, NM
Lily Pond at Shady Lakes
Betty Busby
Albuquerque, NM
Somewhere Along the Rio Grande
Carolyn Castaneda
Santa Fe, NM
Around The Bend
Vicki Conley
Ruidoso Downs, NM
The Young Entrepreneur
Rhonda Denney
Canon City, CO
On the Rio Grande
Nicole Dunn
Los Alamos, NM
The Headwaters Near Creede, Colorado
Theresa Maguire Ely
Gunnison, CO
Meandering River
Cheryl FitzGerald
Albuquerque, NM
Dawn Patrol
April Whiteside Foster
Santa Fe, NM
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Diana Fox
Denver, CO
Presidio Chapel of San Elizario, Texas
Elaine Hengen
El Paso, TX
Turquoise Trail
Michelle Jackson
Sandia Park, NM
Ripples on the Rio Grande
Sue Lewis
Arvada, CO
Life Blood of A Nation
Anita Marsh McSorley
Albuquerque, NM
Ginny McVickar
Pleasant Hill, OR
Bosque Pond #2
Anne Moats
Albuquerque, NM
Live Water
Mary Olivea
Santa Fe, NM
Gale Oppenheim-Pietrzak
Santa Fe, NM
Life Blood
Char Punke
Albuquerque, NM
Watermelon Mountain
Lynn Rogers
Rio Rancho, NM
Layered Landscape
Karen Stalgren
Frederick, CO
Living in Lamy
Mary Jo Stipe
Lamy, NM
***OUT OF THE BLUE : The opening reception for Out Of The Blue has been moved to May 10, from 4 – 6 PM.
A catalog for Blue is available at Amazon.com. Betty is willing to do a bulk order of these. If you want one, please contact her. Gale is organizing food for the reception. If you can bring something to share, let Gale know. It need to be at the Capitol by 3:45 on the 10th and it needs to be something easily eaten (finger food) and not too messy. She has serving bowls and trays. If you bring your own, make sure to label it.
From Mary Jo:
A big thank you to everyone who brought Doo-Dahs to the March meeting and also to those who signed up to volunteer at Fiesta. Please note, however, that we do not have another bi-monthly meeting until May 18, a day after the last Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta (AFAF) meeting before the big event.
So far, we have received 30 items. It’s a great start toward our SAQA NM goal of 150 items. Needless to say, keep making Doo-Dahs! We still 120 more to go. Once you have Doo-Dahs finished, if you live in the Santa Fe area, please contact Mary Jo Stipe, to arrange to drop them off or have them picked up. In Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, Mary Jo will be taking Doo-Dahs to the next Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta meetings in ABQ on April 19 and on May 17. We are still in serious need of volunteers for various duties at Fiesta including manning the SAQA booth, Betty Busby’s featured artist exhibition, the LARG art quilt show, and as white glovers in the quilting division show. Volunteers have free admission on the day you volunteer and are entered in drawings for door prizes provided by the many vendors. Again, please contact Mary Jo Stipe to sign up for specific dates, times, and locations. We love having our core SAQA NM members who invariably come through. It would be great to have the majority of our members participate. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of AFAF. It’s a fun-filled event with fascinating exhibits, tempting vendors, and the camaraderie of hundreds of fiber arts enthusiasts.
We discussed the requested video that the education committee is putting together to showcase each organization within Fiber Arts. Pat Gould volunteered to find out about the short video that SAQA makes available for promotional information.
The Fiber Art Spring Show is scheduled for April 3 & 4, 2020.
These are the 12” x 12” squares that are auctioned off on-line. All the money raised through the sale of these small quilts goes toward funding traveling exhibitions and NM SAQA has had its share of those. This is a good chance to spend a small amount of time and help out in a big way. Pat Gould is collecting these this year. You can contact her or bring them to our meeting in March. The final deadline to turn in your auction square is June 1.
*Schatzi Brimer, our Blog mistress, would like to hear from you. Do you read the Blog? What do you find helpful? What would you like changed, or included? How can she make this better for all our members? This is a big job and we really appreciate Schatzi’s efforts. Give her some feedback.
*Judith Roderick invites us all to check out her show and the work of other artists at Wild Hearts Gallery in in the Homestead Shopping Center in Placitas.
*Also in Placitas, check out http://placitaslibrary.com/library-activities/art-exhibits/artist-exhibit-submission-form/ for exhibition opportunities. Thanks to Cheryl FitzGerald for this info.
Our next meeting is May 18, 2019 at the Eldorado Library in Santa Fe.
Lynn Rogers
New Mexico Regional Co-rep
Studio Art Quilt Associates
New Mexico Regional Co-rep
Studio Art Quilt Associates
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