Life Along the Rio Grande at Hubbard Museum of the American West
LARG will be featured at the Hubbard Museum in Ruidoso Downs. The show begins with a reception on Friday, March 20, 2020, from 5 to 7 pm, and will be on view through July 31, 2020. IMPORTANT NOTE: If your quilt is for sale, you must complete and return the consignment agreement to the Hubbard Museum. Here are the Tax Forms and Consignment agreement for the Hubbard show. Please download and send them directly to the Hubbard Museum. If you don’t want to offer your quilt for sale, you don’t need to send in these forms. Contact is: Caralyn Contreras; or 575-378-4142 Ext. 8. Hubbard Museum of the American West, 26301 Hwy 70, Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346
Out of the Blue Quilts for Farmington
The director of the Farmington Museum in Farmington, NM, selected 23 pieces from Out of the Blue to exhibit from April 4 to August 1, 2020. We will need to collect all the quilts by February 12. Please contact Mary Jo Stipe or Lynn Rogers to arrange delivery. Don’t forget to include the slats for hanging. Many thanks to Kay Sutt and Julee Coffman for volunteering to take the quilts to Farmington.
Here’s the list of featured quilts:
Anita McSorley Cosmic Storm
Ann Anastasio Nothing But Blue Skies
April Foster Steelhead
Betty Busby Willow Revisited
Carolyn Castaneda A Blue Haunting
Carolyn Castaneda Solstice
Colleen Konetzni Wide Open Sky, A Bunny’s View
Cynthia Fowler Bubble Netting
Ginny McVickar Fast Food
Jane Ann Bode Just Blue
Jo Barton Silent Landscape
Jo Barton Kaleidoscope of Life
Judith Roderick Whales
Julee Coffman Out of the Blue on NM 104
Lorraine Hollingsworth Wonky Tonk Blues
Lynn Rogers Indigo II
Marianne Williamson Blue Cascade
Mary Jo Stipe Angel Wing
Mary Olivea Wisps
Nancy J. Steidle Restless Waves
Nicole Dunn Thunderbird
Patricia Gould Dancing Waves
Robyn Gold Sea Song
More Exhibition News
LARG will travel to the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza, September 17 to 20, 2020, at the Greater Pennsylvania Expo Center in Oaks, PA.
A selection of quilts from Out of the Blue will be on display at the Coos Bay Museum in Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning in February 2021.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE WEATHER…Although we don’t yet have confirmed dates for our spring 2021 show at the Capitol Rotunda in Santa Fe, it’s not too early to start thinking about your entry or entries. The theme will revolve around weather. Wall-hung and 3-D pieces will be accepted. Later in 2021, up to half of the pieces (wall-hung only) will travel to the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. More details to come as available.
Local Connections Albuquerque
Sharon Eastvold has organized a Local Connections group that plans to meet the 4th Thursday of each month from 1:30 to 3 pm, at Quilt Works, 1115 Menaul Blvd. NE, Albuquerque. The next meeting will be February 27. This is an opportunity for SAQA members in the ABQ area to share ideas and techniques and to support each other creatively in a small group setting. Interested? Contact Sharon.
NM Online Critique Group Begins in February
Vicki Conley is setting up a live participation ZOOM webinar at 9 am on the 3rd Saturday of the months that alternate with the regular SAQA NM meeting (February, April, etc.). The first webinar is scheduled for Saturday, February 15. Vicki has been the moderator for the SAQA Education Committee’s webinar critiques, so she is well-versed in the critique process and in the ZOOM platform. Vicki would like three volunteers for each session with critique discussions lasting for 15 to 20 minutes each. Finished pieces or works in progress are welcome. The webinar will loosely follow Jane Dunnewold’s critique guidelines available at . For more information contact Vicki.
Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council
As a member organization of the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council, SAQA will again participate in the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta in 2021. Kay Sutt and Mary Jo Stipe volunteered to represent SAQA on the Fiesta committee. Char Punke and Beverly Tones are the SAQA reps on the Education Committee, which sponsors the Spring Show. SAQA member, Bev Firth, is the chair of the Council’s Quilt Committee and needs a volunteer to represent SAQA on that committee. Please contact Bev if you can take on this role.
100-Day Challenge
Kay Sutt presented a short program detailing her experience with the 2019 SAQA 100-Day Challenge. Kay showed the 100 5X7-inch art quilts she completed. The pieces prompted some lively discussions after the meeting. The goal of the challenge is to develop a regular art or studio practice, whether it’s creating small art quilts or other art forms such as drawings or an art journal. The 2020 challenge, titled The Next 100 Days, will begin in February. This challenge is part of the private SAQA Facebook group. If you’re not already a member, you can join by searching for SAQA on Facebook. Once you’ve joined the group, search for Announcements to find the 2020 challenge. Whether you create 100 pieces or only a few, it’s a great way to get your creative juices flowing in the new year.
Bits & Pieces
Entry is open for the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council’s spring show at the Garden Center in ABQ on April 3 and 4, 2020. The theme is Fiber Play. Visit for details.
At the meeting Betty Busby discussed the growing interest in 3-D and mixed media in the world of art quilts. SAQA’s exhibition, 3-D Expressions, is an exciting show that reflects this trend. You can view images at .
There’s a ton of news at including new exhibition venues and a brand new Global SAQA call for entry titled Light the World.
The next NM regional meeting will be held on March 21 at Hip Stitch in Albuquerque.
Mary Jo Stipe
New Mexico Regional Representative
Studio Art Quilt Associates
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