CHANGE OF VENUE AND TIME FOR MARCH 21 SAQA NEW MEXICO REGIONAL MEETING (Note: as of 3/14/2020 the reception and March meeting are cancelled)
The next New Mexico SAQA Regional meeting is Saturday, March 21, 2020. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the opening of LIFE ALONG THE RIO GRANDE at the Hubbard Museum of the American West in Ruidoso Downs, NM. Since several members plan to attend the museum opening on March 20, the regional meeting will take place at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Mount in Ruidoso, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. A light breakfast of pastries, coffee, tea and juice will be served.
We are asking members who plan to attend the meeting to email Lynn Rogers so that we can purchase an appropriate amount of food and beverages for everyone.
Episcopal Church of the Holy Mount
121 Mescalero Trail
Ruidoso. NM
A huge thank you to Ruidoso-based member Mary Aigner for arranging the venue and food for this meeting. It is a rare opportunity to bring together SAQA NM members from areas of our very large state beyond Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
As a reminder: our first exhibition of 2020 will open at the Hubbard Museum of the American West in Ruidoso Downs, NM, with a reception for LIFE ALONG THE RIO GRANDE, Friday, March 20, from 5 to 7 pm. The show will be on view from March 21 to July 31, 2020.
Hubbard Museum of the American West
26301 U. S. Hwy 70
Ruidoso Downs, NM
26301 U. S. Hwy 70
Ruidoso Downs, NM
Your Invitiation for the LIFE ALONG THE RIO GRANDE reception is HERE.
Next up is an exhibition of OUT OF THE BLUE at the Farmington Museum in Farmington, NM,
from April 4 to August 1, 2020. The 23 quilts curated into this exhibition have been collected. Thanks again to Kay Sutt and Julee Coffman for volunteering to deliver the quilts to Farmington. This is a lovely museum and worth the trip to see OUT OF THE BLUE while it is on display there.
Information on these and other SAQA NM exhibitions is on our blog at
The second Critique Group Online Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 18. So far we have one volunteer; we would like to have 2 more volunteers for this session. Critique discussions last about 15-20 minutes each and loosely follow Jane Dunnewold’s critique guidelines. You can find the guidelines at . Both finished pieces and works-in-progress are welcome. If you would like to volunteer to enter a piece to be critiqued, please email Vicki Conley. All SAQA NM members are invited to participate in the critique group, whether you have a piece you want discussed or would simply like to see how the process work.
These online meetings are conducted using the ZOOM video conferencing tool. It’s an easy process to take part in. If you haven’t yet participated in a ZOOM meeting, you can learn more at the SAQA website by searching for ZOOM or going to .
Albuquerque Fiber Arts Council’s spring show will be held at the Albuquerque Garden Center on April 3 and 4, 2020. Char Punke and Beverly Tones are the SAQA representatives on the education committee that sponsors this show. Calls for Entry are available at This is a great opportunity to show smaller art quilts. It would be wonderful to have SAQA well-represented at this show. SAQA is a member organization so our members do not have to pay an entry fee.
It's not too soon to start thinking about the ABQ Fiber Arts Fiesta coming up in 2021. Bev Firth is the co-chair of the AFAF quilt committee. We are still looking for a volunteer to represent SAQA on the quilt committee. Please email Mary Jo Stipe if you can take on this role.
Don’t forget to take advantage of all the articles, webinars, news and inspiration available 24/7 on the SAQA website. Tap into SAQA Seminar 2020 — Your Professional Toolkit, along with archives of earlier seminars. Looking for opportunities to show your work? Check out
Mary Jo Stipe
NM Regional Co-Representative
Studio Art Quilt Associates
NM Regional Co-Representative
Studio Art Quilt Associates
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