Friday, October 4, 2013


Fall is my favorite time of year here in the Southwest! Love that deep orange moon that hangs sooo low in the sky near the end of October. Seeing those fabulous colors make me want to make art quilts. I hope you are inspired too. We have so many wonderful opportunities coming up for exhibits and meetings and even a workshop! Please read the newsletters from me so you don’t miss out on anything.
We had a fabulous meeting in September with 20 of us in attendance in Santa Fe. Many had their entries for the next show “A Color Runs through It”. It was obvious from what we saw that this is going to be a great show when these pieces are all hung together. Thank you Betty for all your work on these exhibition opportunities! Check out our blog for a picture of one entry whose outfit color coordinated with her entry! So fun!

For those of you who have not entered A Color Runs through It yet, there is still time. The deadline is October 15th. I will attach the entry form with this email. After entering you will need to get your quilt to me by November 1st.  Please send me an email to let me know when you would like to drop off your entry at Ambassadors for Christ Community Church or I have arranged that the entries may be dropped off at Southwest Decoratives. Please also let me know if you have left your entry at SWD so I know what to expect to collect.
Our next meeting will be in Silver City, NM to correspond with the premier opening of A Color Runs through It at the Silver City Fiber Arts Fiesta on November 15 and 16. The Festival was organized by a SAQA member Lynn Welsh. Thank you to Betty and Lynn for working out the details of our meeting place. They have planned a SAQA dinner meeting at the Adobe Springs Café just 2 miles from the Fiesta at 6 pm Friday night, November 15th.  1617 Silver Heights Blvd.   
There is a Holiday Inn Express  almost across the street from the conference center and Comfort Inn  or Econo Lodge  not far. It should be great fun! I hope to see you there! For those not convinced to join us see this article in The New York Times about Silver City. The Pictures alone make me want to go!
Additional info from Betty:
There will be additional exhibition venues for A Color Runs Through It.
The guild in Las Cruces will include it in their February show, and it has also been invited to the Hubbard Museum in Ruidoso to hang alongside our major show, Beyond Tradition, which begins April 5, 2014.
If you do NOT wish to be a part of these subsequent shows must let me (Betty) know prior to the Silver City show, so that your work may be returned to you.  Any quilts sold in Silver City may also be pulled from the remaining venues if desired.
The remainder of the work that is travelling to the next venues will be stored by Vicki Conley.
Happy Art Quilting!
Michelle Jackson
SAQA NM Representative


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