You are receiving this email because you are the NM Representative of the SAQA group, and we thought that the members of this group might want to individually or together participate in the first New Mexico Fiber Crawl that will take place from Friday May 12 through Sunday May 14, 2017. The process has started and many sites have already submitted their applications.
To become a site please apply online on the event site The cost is $25. Please check the requirements section of the application to insure that you qualify. If you have questions, contact EVFAC at The application deadline is March 15, 2017, so do not delay.
Individual Fiber Artists are welcome to participate! See how:
EVFAC is interested in engaging as many Fiber Artists as possible and will offer opportunities for individuals to engage at one of the sites. Once the sites are approved they will be listed on the event website All sites are interested in offering a unique program, so if you want to demonstrate or teach, even for a few hours, you should approach them with your proposal.
In addition, along the Fiber Crawl some sites will offer more opportunities for individual Fiber Artists, and will host a kick-off party on Friday May 12, from 5-8pm. So far we have designated three hubs, and more will be considered after the application process has been completed. If you would like to sell your work, demonstrate, or teach, even for a few hours, please contact a hub or a site with your proposal.
To participate at a hub, please contact the following:
Las Tejedoras Guild at the El Museo Cultural in Santa Fe – Judy McCarthy
The Yarn Store at Nob Hill in Albuquerque – Teresa McDowell & Tandi Hufnagel
EVFAC in Española –
Gale, I am also attaching the link for the information/application process sheet that has the correct dates. We are still updating and correcting information on the website, so you will see some discrepancies.
Do not despair, just send us an email with any questions you may have.
Greetings, Olimpia
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