In an effort to improve communication throughout our SAQA NM region, I’m planning to send a re-cap of meetings. That way if you weren’t able to attend, you will have some idea of what went on.
We also have a new Web Mistress: Schatzi Brimer so if you have info for the blog send it there. And be sure to check the blog often for upcoming deadlines, exhibit info etc.
Here are highlights from our 9-16-17 meeting:
- We are in need of 2 people to represent SAQA at the Fiber Art Fiesta meetings. Thanks to Rod Daniel for doing this the last 2 years, but now he needs to bow out. If interested contact Gale or Lynn
- Kathryn Lazier in our representative to Fiber Arts Education committee. A spring show is planned for April 7 & 8, 2018 titled Earth Wind and Fiber. Look for exhibit info on the blog.
Exhibition News
- Structural Diversity: Made in New Mexico ended its run at the Capitol Rotunda Gallery in Santa Fe in August. 20 pieces from the show will appear at IQF in Houston as a special exhibit.
- Natural Healing is coming back to NM the end of September after a great run, being shown at National Institutes of Health, University of Michigan and the University of Chicago.
- Life Along the Rio Grande: The entry form and instructions for this upcoming show will be sent in a separate group email in October. Detailed information on the call for entry can be found on the SAQA website here-
detail.php?ID=5480 . Hope you are all working on entries as Vicki Conley has lined up some fabulous venues for it. The opening for this show will be April 6, 2018 in Las Cruces at the Branigan Art Center. That same night, also in Las Cruces, Seeds for SAQA will have its opening reception at the Farm and Ranch Museum. Sounds like a fun weekend to be down south. - Under the Western Sun, a dual exhibit with SAQA Colorado/Ut/Wy, is on its way to a third venue in Utah after being on display at the Macey Center in Socorro. The beautiful catalog, by Shannon Conley, is available from Amazon here-
nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias% 3Dstripbooks&field-keywords= under+the+western+sun+saqa - Volunteer opportunity- we are in need of someone to cut 35 31 inch slats- we will provide you with the wood. contact Betty for more info-
Lynn Rogers
SAQA NM co-representative
SAQA NM co-representative
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