Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Notes from September 15, 2018 SAQA NM Meeting

Here are highlights from the September 15, 2018 meeting at Vista Grande Library in Santa Fe.

Exhibition News
LARG had a very successful run at the Unitarian Church in ABQ with 3 quilts being sold.   Next it will travel to the Macey Center in Socorro at NMTech.  There should be room to hang all of the quilts at this venue.  We will have an opening reception there during Alumni weekend, October 19 from 3 – 6.  Hoping that many of us can go to the opening, but plan ahead if you are going to stay overnight as it is Alumni weekend and hotels/motels may be fairly full.
After Socorro, LARG will travel to the Roswell Art Museum where approximately 20 pieces will be hung.  This will depend largely on space availability. Betty is continuing to explore additional venues for this show.

This is the theme for the next Capitol Rotunda show in 2019.  Complete information can be found at SAQANM.blogspot.com or at SAQA.
You can enter up to 3 wall pieces and 2 3-D pieces.  There is no charge to enter pieces initially.  IF you have a piece that is chosen, then there is a $35 fee to SAQA. There will be a catalog produced for this show so good photos are IMPERATIVE!!  At the November 17 meeting at HipStitch, there will be a photo demonstration.  Betty will have lights and quilt stands, and for a $10 donation to SAQA she will help you photograph your quilt.
The opening reception for Out Of The Blue has been changed, so as not to conflict with the SAQA conference in San Jose.  I believe the date is May 10, however Betty will have more details as we get closer to the opening.

***Artscrawl at HipStitch
Thanks to everyone who participated.  We had a great turn out and Betty provided us with a fun project using transperse dyes, which got everyone in the surface design mood.  Lots of great exposure for SAQA in the greater ABQ community. 

***Quilt Fiesta in Santa Fe
Dates are October 19 & 20, 2018.  Entries are now closed, but the show should be great and also there will be lots of wonderful vendors.

Important dates to put on your calendar now:  Set up May 29, 2019.  Show runs May 30, 31 and June 1. Since SAQA is now a member of the Fiber Arts Association, we have volunteer responsibilities at the show, in terms of manning booths, acting as white glove people, etc. Please keep the dates open if possible, so that we can have a good turn out for volunteers.
We have an added incentive for the 2019 Fiesta, as Betty Busby is the featured artist and SAQA will be a featured exhibit.  Both booths will be featured front and center during the fiesta and will need volunteers.
Many thanks to Kathryn Lazier for serving as SAQA’s educational rep to the Fiesta.  She put in many hours and did a great job representing us.  Now she would like to focus more on mixed media, and a new person is needed to replace her. For more info on what the position requires, you contact Kathryn or Mary Jo Stipe.
We will also need to provide small “doo-dahs” for the Fiesta as we have done in the past.  Several ideas were discussed.  Be thinking about possibilities and we’ll continue to brainstorm at the next meeting.

**Recommendation from Lisbeth: great show at Antieau Gallery, 134 W Water Street, SF.
** At the Capitol in Santa Fe, Off the Wall, a 3-D fiber invitational runs through December.  Work by Betty Busby,  Judith Roderick, Sabrina Zarco, Mary Mattimoe Nora Beebe, Shannon Conley, Sue Szajer and Josh. 
** New gallery in Placitas:  Wild Hearts Gallery in the Homestead Village Shopping Center.  www.wildheartsgallery-nm.com

Our next meeting is November 17 at HipStitch in Albuquerque.

Lynn Rogers
New Mexico Regional Co-rep
Studio Art Quilt Associates

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